Andy Ulricksen

I was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area. I am the youngest of five kids, so I was raised to get along well with people of all ages.
I attended Sacramento State University and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Business Management.
Diana Ulricksen

I was born and raised in Lima Peru.
I came to the United States in 1990.
I went to Diablo Valley College and studied child development.

We have a son named Adam.
We moved to Sacramento in 2000. After completing the necessary training and experience in the pest control industry, Andy launched United Pest Control in 2006. In 2008, the business grew to a level that required an extra worker. Diana then got her license and started performing pest control work and began participating in the business’s everyday operations. And now as of 2017, we have grown mainly due to our hard work, honesty, and integrity that we provide regularly to all of our customers. We feel grateful for the opportunity to help our community. Our promise is to continue providing the best pest control service.
Our Logo and Our name
We decided on the name United because from the very beginning we wanted to become united with our customers. The logo that we created, UPC, has the form of a chain because we feel that it is not only about us but the union with our customers; together we can accomplish the same purpose, maintaining the safety and comfort of your homes.