Houseflies vs. Fruit Flies

Is it a bluebottle fly, a cluster fly, a sand fly, a horse fly, a housefly, a fruit fly, a drain fly, a flesh fly…? Who knew that the world of unwelcome flying pests was so diverse? Although we hope to never encounter these irritating creatures unless we are out on a farm, the sorry truth is that everyone will get a little too close for comfort with these vermin at one time or another. Whether they find their way into your home through the hole in your screen door you have been meaning to fix all winter, or they sneak into your office building when the door was open for an hour, they always seem to find their way in at the most inconvenient times.

While electric bug zappers can do the trick to eliminate the immediate problem, and allow you to satisfy your need for revenge, you will find that the problem will keep getting worse and worse. Going on a fly hunt around your home or place of work is only treating the symptom, not curing the true root of the disease. So, how do you fix the problem for good? In order to address that question we are going to take a deeper look at two of the most common species of flies that you might encounter.

  1. Houseflies

Houseflies are extremely common and there is a 99.9% chance that you have come across them at some point during your life. In fact, 91% of all flies in human habitations are houseflies. You know the type; they have dark gray bodies, large red beady eyes, and vary in length from ⅛ – ¼ inch. Well an infestation of these all too common insects can feel much like a game of whack a mole. Catch one and behind you two new ones appear as if from nowhere. It can be enough to drive a person mad, but you might actually be more sane than even you thought.

Female houseflies can lay up to 500 eggs at once and in some areas they can do produce 20 generations per year. That is 10,000 babies from a single housefly in just one year! The real worry is not just, where is the fly, but where are the flies larvae? This is why reaction time is key. As soon as you notice a few pesky flies, it is worth a call to United Pest Control just to be sure to extinguish any maggots that could be living nearby.

  1. Fruit Flies

Fruit flies are distinguished from houseflies by their yellowish brown bodies with dark rings around their abdomen. They can present problems for you all year long, but they are particularly prevalent at the end of summer and beginning of fall season because of the abundance of crops. Fruit flies are appropriately named because of their attraction to rotting produce. If these flies infest your home or building they will most likely be found hovering near fruits, vegetables, or even around dirty mops or sponges. One misconception is that these insects are causing food to go bad. This is actually not the case. Fruit flies are attracted to food that is already rotting, not causing it to rot themselves. However, that does not mean pick up a decent looking apple next to a fruit fly, brush it off and enjoy a refreshing snack. Female fruit flies can lay up to 400 eggs at a time and they do so inside fruits and vegetables. If you find a fruit fly infestation it is imperative that you discard any food that is out in the open because it could be a nest for 100s of tiny larvae. Be sure to call United Pest Control and we will rid the area of any possible continued threats.
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